Thursday, August 30, 2007


I've been inspired... by Jono's blog.. yup yup. I have decided to do a 25 list, Of things I will not miss when I leave school.. and being in year 12 and all that is only about 29 days away. scary huh.
So here we go...

1. The fact that more than half the walls at my school are painted bright yellow
2. Getting up early so sit and look at bright yellow walls for 6 hours
3. Having to pretend that I like people that I don't to keep my world at peace
4. Listening to people bitch (especially when both people bitch to me about each other)
5. Teachers yelling.
6. Teachers being "disappointed"
7. Teachers talking to my mum
8. Teachers who don't like me cos I'm bad at school and that makes then look bad
9. Pretty much just teachers in general
10. The huge canteen line
11. Being cold for 7 hours straight and not being able to fix it
12. Blowing a fews in the VCE center because we are using to many appliances to cook our lunches
13. The fact that the Senior school coordinators office is right next the the VCE center
14. Needing a doctors certificate when I'm away even though I know whats wrong with me and I know a doctor can't do anything to fix it
15. Mess.. everywhere
16. Having to do work
17. Having to pretend I care about something I don't
18. Varnishing wood in a small room=Bad
19. Watching them spend $1200 on getting the gum that's older than God of the ground and yet knowing a classmates not aloud to use a piece of thread because it costs money and she didn't pay for it.
20. Interactive whiteboards
21. Slow computers
22. Year 7's who haven't come to the realisation that they are back at the bottom of the food chain
23. Stupid rules
24. how short girls wear there skirts
25. Being forced to be "just like everyone else"

Rant over.
Peace out


Anonymous said...

So hope im one of those ppl u pretending to like... and so not drunk... much.

Kyla said...

Oh dear, Kirst. Cracking it at high school much? It's so exciting that you're almost out! We'll actually be able to catch up at some point! Life after school is the greatest. Good luck with the next 28 days!

Kyla said...

Oh dear, Kirst. Cracking it at high school much? It's so exciting that you're almost out! We'll actually be able to catch up at some point! Life after school is the greatest. Good luck with the next 28 days!

B.C. said...

Haha you are angry angsty antsy pantsy flantsy chantsy. In my common room, we pretty much blew a fuse everyday. We had two sandwich toasters, two computers, a printer, two microwaves and various other appliances... and somehow we all foolishly, hungrily, thought it would all work out. ha.

School is good. Stay in school. Cherish it. Be like Billy Madison. Blog more.

Anonymous said...

Haha... I'm so glad high school is over for you now. I have to admit that high school sucked and I was glad to be out of there.... for several of the same reasons plus a few of my own.
